International Instructor and Facilitation Training


InPASSThe new online simulation instructor course is organized by InPASS, the Institute for Patient Safety and Team Training, founded by Marcus Rall, MD.

Marcus Rall is a pioneer of medical simulation team training. He started human factor based simulation team training in the late 90s. He learned his skills from David Gaba and his team at Stanford, CA, USA.

InPASS is one of the leading organizations for simulation instructor education in Europe. Most of the German speaking simulation centers in Germany, Switzerland and Austria have sent instructors to the well established “InFacT” course by InPASS. InFacT stands for Instructor and Facilitation Training and focuses on giving the participants the tools for autonomous learning.

Marcus and his team have trained more than 3,500 simulation instructors around the world. Cooperations with simulation centers across Europe have made profound sharing of expertise possible, optimizing the education of instructors. Course participants evaluate the course as exceptionally valuable and pivotal for optimizing their teaching skills and attitudes.

Networking to save lives!

Graduates of the InPASS instructor course regularly take the leading role in improving patient safety and teamwork in their institutions.

InPASS facilitates networking among simulation instructors. Marcus Rall has been organizing the biggest interdisciplinary German simulation conference, called InSiM, for over 19 years.

Therefore the networking component in the new International Instructor course is on-going and well built-in to the course structure. Every participant is part of the simulation network for at least 3 years.

What InPASS does besides Simulation Instructor Training

  • InPASS offers simulation team training in almost any field of medicine for hospital or pre-hospital teams. InPASS trained many thousands of participants in the last 20 years.
  • InPASS offers consulting to build, re-build or optimize simulation centers. Marcus Rall consulted many sim-centers, from small to large ones. Benefit from many years of international simulation experience.
  • InPASS is a company registered in Germany since 2012. It is a “GmbH”, which is similar to a “Ltd”. The founder, owner and CEO Dr. Marcus Rall has a long track record of education, research and training in the field of medicine. Marcus is the associate editor of Simulation in Healthcare, author of numerous publications (including 2 chapters in Miller’s Anesthesia about Patient Safety and Patient Simulation) and countless guest lectures around the world.

The InPASS website is momentarily in German only available at