International Instructor and Facilitation Training


Core faculty

Founder & CEO Institute for Patient Safety & Simulation Team Training, 20 years of experience in simulation team training & CRM, Educated more than 3.000 instructors internationally, Anaesthesia & Prehospital Emergency Medicine

Intensive Care Consultant The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Clinical Sub-Dean Simulation The University of Melbourne

Simulationist, RMH Clinical School, Department of Medical Education, The University of Melbourne

Director Simulation Center, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland, Psychologist, Editorial Board of BMJ STEL and GIO and Associate Editor of Advances in Simulation

Special faculty

Associate Dean for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning, Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Center for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning, Stanford University School of Medicine. 

David Gaba has co-developed the course design and serves as faculty for selected parts of the course, especially a “Q&A session”, where participants can get answers from one of the most experienced and respected simulation experts in the world.

Steven K. Howard, Stanford, USA
Steven K. Howard, Stanford, USA

Staff Physician – Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care Service, VA Palo Alto Health Care SystemProfessor – Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine.

Steven Howard will be part of selected parts of the course and gives input as one of the pioneers of medical simulation team training with human factors and CRM.


Dr. med. Jan Baus, MD, Berlin, Germany Senior Consultant in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Head of Simulation MedicineUnfallkrankenhaus Berlin

Ralf Krage, MD, PhD, DEAA, Anesthe­sio­lo­gist, Inten­sive Care Spe­cia­list, Emergency Physician, Head of Department of An­esthe­sia, In­ten­sive Care and Emergency Medicine, Neuburg, Germany, since 2000 Simulation Educator

Specialist for Anesthesiology and Emergency medicine, Head of department of anesthesiology, Spital Thusis/Savognin, Medical director of rescue services Mittelbünden, Switzerland

medius Klinik Nuertingen, Germany - Senior Consultant Anaesthesia. Educator in simulation team training since 1996.

Medical Director Simulation Center Basel “SimBa”; Anesthesiologist and Emergency Physician University Hospital Basel, Switzerland; CEO simworks GmbH

Stephan Düsterwald, Hildesheim, Germany
Stephan Düsterwald, Hildesheim, Germany

Helios Klinikum Hildesheim, Head of Department Simulation Center Hildesheim, Consultant Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy: Representative Specialist Training, Medical Education and Emergency Medicine. AHA ACLS Training Center Faculty. Medical Crew ADAC Air Rescue.

Joachim Koppenberg, Scuol, Switzerland
Joachim Koppenberg, Scuol, Switzerland

Specialist for Anaesthesiology, Emergency and Pain Medicine; Head of Departement of anaesthesiology, emergency and pain medicine Hospital Scuol, Switzerland; CEO of Healthcare Center Scuol, Switzerland

20 years’ experience in simulation based education, assessment and research. Lead of the Clinical Performance Centre Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore.

Head of Department Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine Landesklinikum Neunkirchen, Austria; Development of medical simulation Medical University Vienna; Instructor training, Educator, Focus on Safety 2, Body language and Presentation; International Course Coordinator European Trauma course

Founder & CEO for Safety Factors Finland; Human Factors & System Safety MSc

Filippo Bressan, Italy
Filippo Bressan, Italy

Specialist in anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine, he has been one of the pioneers of medical simulation in Italy. Instructor in the simulation courses of the Tuscany region Clinical Risk Group and full scale simulation faculty for the Siaarti (Italian Society of anaesthesia and Intensive care). Director of the European Patient Safety and Quality Masterclass by the ESA (2016-18).